Saturday, July 16, 2011

last couple days

goodness this week has flown. I'm so ready to be home though. I want my way of living back, to be totally honest.

Today was great though, we spent the whole afternoon out on the boat, swimming, riding down two rivers, eating, sunbathing... I still feel like I'm on a boat, 6 hours after docking. Tonight we ate pizza in the park, and took some more of J's pics. We're gonna go back in the morning when the light is better to take some cool parcor pics.

I'm beat, more later.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Slept in, tried to watch a movie til netflix decided to be dumb and crash. Felt so sick and stressed earlier... we drank some day old sparkling grape juice, bad idea. feeling better now, but that was not fun out on the boat. In a weird way I'm kinda ready to be home. Back to familiarity. I'm having to work more to keep stress and frustration levels lows. I think we're all just exhausted today, yesterday was a looonnnggg day. So we'll chill, and maybe go get icecream later tonight. :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday, that's all I know...

Crazy long day today. Something relaxing about the blank screen in front of me though. Been a little starved for creative freedom, I miss my mac and photoshop...

We got up early-ish to hit Mackinaw Island this morning. Took a 20 min ferry ride that went around the bridge itself, then to the island. The island itself is very pretty, lots of reeaally neat old building with some significant historical value. Lots of old dates and names. No vehicles at all, only walking, biking or horse carriages. A little too touristy for my taste, it diminishes the quaint, vintage feel of the town. We walked around the lawn of the Grand Hotel, got some cute pics. It was $10 to just go inside if you weren't registered. I didn't realize this, but after 6pm everynight, gentlemen have to have on at least a coat and tie, and women can't wear slacks. How fun would it be to go get all dolled up for dinner there one night...

Saw a bi-plane today, that was neat.
Ferry ride (that I remember, at least. I know I was on one when I was little, but I don't remember much.)
Tandem bike ride (didn't like that much... being in front, you controlled all the balance. being in back, you had no control but peddling. weird. I rode the single the 2nd half of the route. way better for taking pictures. )

My legs and feet are killing me. I'm dying for a really good pre-pointe foot massage.
I think that's everything significant that happened today. Some weird drama with Laura's work, but that's not worth remember the details, so we'll just leave it at that. Oh! After we got back, Laura & I went down to the lake for some girl time. Sparkling grape juice, popcorn, m&ms, music and a full moon on a glassy lake. Perfect. Even the bugs didn't bite. :)

that's all for now. g'night!

next day...

today was great! beeeaauuutiful weather, low 70's, mostly sunny, light breeze. amazing. we were planning on going to mackinaw bridge today, but R woke up with a migraine so we postponed, which ended up being great anyway. We went to brunch at Brutus' cafe (or something like that). Very small town, lots of taxidermy and quirky interior decorations. My hot cocoa mug said "If I'd have known I was going to live this long, I would've taken better care of myself." Weird, right?

After lunch, Laura, J & I went on a tour at Kilwin's. It's basically a Goumas on steriods. They make all sorts of yummy chocolate treats, as well as icecream, fudge, and stuff like that. It was fun to see behind the scenes. Pics of that for sure. After we got back to the lake, Laura and I kayaked out to "The Blue Hole". It's so deep, it goes to china. Not really. But it does get REALLY deep. Hence, the blue hole (get it, the black hole?). We also paddleboated (is that a verb? it is now) out to the sand bar. About half way out, a pontoon boat with a girl and three guys passed us, and the girl was like "hollaaa!". The guys waved several times, and were obviously checking us out. The girl offered for us to join them (practically shouting across the lake) and we just kind of ignored them. Well turns out they were heading out to the sandbar as well. She said "hollaaaaa!" again when we got there, and one of the guys asked if we were 21. Laura yelled no, and the guy repeated "no" like he was confused. lol I chuckled. We stuck around the sandbar for a while, but it was really awkward knowing they were still there. When we were leaving, one of the guys shouted that we could still get drunk. It was ridiculous. We were laughing so hard though. I have to admit, they were cute though. Typical lake boys: tan, buff, and most likely tools. No thanks.

Dinner was at a seafood place, not my favorite, but they had good onion rings. We went to the lookout bay after that though, got some great pics of Laura and me. The sunset was INCREDIBLE tonight, too! Reds, hot pinks, purples and streaks over lake michigan. amazing.

Um, not mentionable on here. Let's just say it wasn't the most lady-like.
peel-able facial masks. no worries, there are pictures...

tomorrow we're heading to the bridge. sounds like we'll be bike riding most of the time. sounds fun, I think. :)

thought of the day: I'm really learning how to be flexible with this trip. tonight in the car, I had no idea where we were going because the plans changed so many times. ...I love my family.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

mi... not sure what day it is?

...such a good feeling not knowing what day, date or time it is :)

went fishing this morning. caught three small pike, laura caught one too. R caught one keepable perch. so, we've spent $15 each for perch... awesome. lol I think we're gonna fish later this week, maybe thursday through saturday?

this afternoon we went through the locks and down the river to the next lake. nice, slow, relaxing ride. I'm done being in the sun today though. my skin feels weird from previous sunburns and sunscreen, my eyes hurt, and I'm tired. running on six hours of sleep probably doesn't help with that at all though. hopefully we'll sleep reealllyyy well tonight. I think tomorrow we're going to the island. that'll be bike riding, pictures, eating, sun... I'm really curious about it.

getting ready to eat. adios! (ha, I'll have to fill you in about Laura's mexican friend...)

mi day 3, again...

what a day! fishing, shopping, eating out, pictures, beach, mackinaw, laser show, icecream, crazy noises during the car ride.. lol awesome.

shopping was great. downtown petosky is like an over-sized, over-priced granville. lots of cool shops with good clothes and jewelry, but touristy pricey. like, $300 easily for a dress. Literally, I saw an $180 bikini top. JUST THE TOP. ridiculous! I felt like I should institute the "one-finger-touch" I learned as a kid. ha. but no, we bought sunglasses, dresses and some jewelry. Mostly from maurice's. haha. we wore our new outfits out tonight though. We went to Legg's Inn, great polish food. I had a salad with locally caught white fish, and a blue/black burger. it. was. amazing. pictures to come :) after that we went to see the bridge, we were sooo slap happy in the car. I immitated Dori speaking whale, and made V cry she was laughing so hard! so funny. had to hunt to find icecream, and in the mean time ran across a laser show. we were still slap happy dancing to the music, I'm sure we looked drunk. I was just glad there was no way anybody was going to recognize me there. lol anyhoo.

funny how well you get to know a family while on vacation with them... even after a couple days :)

up early to fish again tomorrow, then after that who knows. heard OH had some mean storms, can't help but feel a little sorry while I was walking a long a gorgeous beach at sunset... hee!

Monday, July 11, 2011

day 3

woke up early this morning to go fishing. overslept, but still made it out at a decent time (aka 7:15). weird weather conditions, so fishing wasn't great but it was still a good morning of company and some interesting stories to tell. more on that later.

I caught three perch, one keepable. Also lost a big fish, pretty sure it was a walleye based on how it was coming in. Not much fighting, but really heavy. I was able to get it close to the boat, but before we could see it, it dove for under the boat pulling the tip of my rod in the water and threw the hook. I was a little ticked. Randy caught a nice perch, as well. Laura caught an 18" pike, but to keep it it needs to be at least 24" so we tossed it back. She also caught a 12" walleye, but it was too small to keep. So, not a very successful morning for fishing. But, while we were out on the corner of the lake, there was also a guy fishing in a canoe. Well, turns out his balance isn't great, so he fell in! Didn't tip the canoe, but there was no way he was getting back in by himself. We motored over there to help him, got him in our boat so then he could step into the canoe from there. Well, he almost made it, then fell in again! By that time, his grandson (who is super cute) was over by us with on a jet ski. Grandpa made it up there, and they went on there way with the canoe in tow. boy, it was just crazy..

now we're going shopping. ttyl :)