Monday, July 11, 2011

day 3

woke up early this morning to go fishing. overslept, but still made it out at a decent time (aka 7:15). weird weather conditions, so fishing wasn't great but it was still a good morning of company and some interesting stories to tell. more on that later.

I caught three perch, one keepable. Also lost a big fish, pretty sure it was a walleye based on how it was coming in. Not much fighting, but really heavy. I was able to get it close to the boat, but before we could see it, it dove for under the boat pulling the tip of my rod in the water and threw the hook. I was a little ticked. Randy caught a nice perch, as well. Laura caught an 18" pike, but to keep it it needs to be at least 24" so we tossed it back. She also caught a 12" walleye, but it was too small to keep. So, not a very successful morning for fishing. But, while we were out on the corner of the lake, there was also a guy fishing in a canoe. Well, turns out his balance isn't great, so he fell in! Didn't tip the canoe, but there was no way he was getting back in by himself. We motored over there to help him, got him in our boat so then he could step into the canoe from there. Well, he almost made it, then fell in again! By that time, his grandson (who is super cute) was over by us with on a jet ski. Grandpa made it up there, and they went on there way with the canoe in tow. boy, it was just crazy..

now we're going shopping. ttyl :)

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