Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mi trip, day one and two


college trip before heading up friday, loved it. cool college, I'll come back in about a month to check out the classes. still not totally sold on the whole going to college idea, but if I do, it's a contender.

drove up friday, that was uneventful. we looked at wedding magazines, so while up here we've been oohing over potential get away cars. too sweet.

yesterday, we boated, skiied, paddle boated, ate at Turkey's for dinner then got icecream and walked around downtown Harbor Springs. Skiing was awesome, took me 5 tries to actually make it up, and lasted about three seconds. ha. there will be more attempts later in the week. we tried greek pizza at turkey's, it was different.

church today was good. played lots of hymns and the preacher reminded me of jeff pound. excited, shouts, stuff like that. lunch at some mexican place. the waiter seemed partial to laura. kinda creepy, he's a middle aged mexican. hard to not believe in stereotypes when they keep proving themselves. lol we shopped at maurice's afterwards, i'm sure we'll be heading back there, we both found super cute dresses.

Greek pizza
saw a hitchhiker actually find a ride. never seen that happen before. ha
wearing a bikini. does that count? learned that stomachs and backs need WAY more sunblock... oops.

sorry this is so scatterbrained, just trying to get it all down before I forget. that's all for now! pictures will be posted when I get home.

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